by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Feb 22, 2017 | 60 to 60, continuous life, life, memory, time |
1979: At the beginning of the year I get serious about what next. My father tells me I should be a lawyer because I love to argue so much. Which sounds cool, but I’d rather teach French. Except I doubt there’ll be many trips to France on a teacher’s...
by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Feb 21, 2017 | 60 to 60, continuous life, life, marriage, memory, time |
1978: I have 5 Advanced Placement credits from high school. I get credit for my studies in Quebec City and in France. Maybe I take one extra class to graduate from Davidson a year early–in May of 1978. During the summer T and I live in Atlanta at my...
by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Nov 24, 2015 | 1 true thing, memory |
While I was Assistant to the President at Davidson College during the 1978-79 school year, one of my jobs was working with the Trustees. Dean Rusk, the former Secretary of State, was a Davidson graduate as well as a Trustee. At the time, I was also applying to law...
by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Aug 21, 2015 | 1 true thing |
Today I made the same drive I first made back in the fall of 1975–40 years ago. Then, it was with my parents headed for my freshman year at Davidson College. Now, it’s with my son headed for his senior year at the same place. When I asked him where he was...