
1978: I have 5 Advanced Placement credits from high school. I get credit for my studies in Quebec City and in France. Maybe I take one extra class to graduate from Davidson a year early–in May of 1978. During the summer T and I live in Atlanta at my parent’s house–in the little room off the kitchen where I answered the phone when Kennedy was shot. I work as a receptionist at my father’s company but have no memory of what T does. In the fall we live in married housing at Davidson–in one of four adorable little cottages by the railroad tracks. T is a senior, and I have a job as Assistant to the President of the college, the first female to hold this position. On Sunday nights, I lie on the sofa and watch Dallas, unused to this feeling of not having anything hanging over me, no studying to do. Life is easy.

39 days to 60


Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?
Mary Oliver