infinite autumn

infinite autumn

So for those of you who are still reading–and not that there’s anything wrong with that–Infinite Summer has crossed infinite boundaries to become Infinite Autumn…(thanks for the title to Kim in a comment to yesterday’s post). And for...


Well, today, Monday, September 21, 2009, is the official date on which page 981, the last page, of Infinite Jest is to be read. And I have finished. It is the end of Infinite Summer. I am shocked at how much I loved Infinite Jest. I’d thought it would be...
in real book

in real book

As many of you know, I’m reading Infinite Jest. As many of you also know, I did not enjoy my first experience with the Kindle. Last week, the night before I was to leave for a 3-day trip, I stood by my desk, looking from Infinite Jest to Kindle. If I was ever...