IMG_2391As many of you know, I’m reading Infinite Jest. As many of you also know, I did not enjoy my first experience with the Kindle.

Last week, the night before I was to leave for a 3-day trip, I stood by my desk, looking from Infinite Jest to Kindle. If I was ever going to use the Kindle, this would be the time. Which sounded eerily similar to my rationale for deciding to read IJ.

With help from the  Infinite Summer website, it took less than five minutes to discover my Kindle “location,” which is the Kindle equivalent of page.

After we got to 10,000 feet and I could turn the Kindle on (yet another reason not to go anywhere without an issue of One Story), I slid the button to the right. The screen lit up at exactly the right spot, and I began to read. No problem. Infinite Jest was just as good on the Kindle as it was in real book.

Interesting, I thought. Is it because I’m older and wiser now?

IMG_2386I suspected that it was because I had actually held the real book in my hand. I had seen the cover. I had turned its pages. Now, with the Kindle, my imagination took over and filled in the gaps.

After I got back home, it took about five minutes to figure out where I was in the book. And it took about ten minutes to locate my highlighted clippings and underline them in the book.

I enjoyed not lugging the book. I would do it again.

My next experiment will be to try another book on the Kindle that I have not started in real book first. That may be a while, though, since I’m only on page 350 of Infinite Jest.