by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Apr 13, 2011 | reviews |
Excited to have my most recent review picked up by the National Book Critics Circle and Powell’s Books as the Review-a-Day for today:
by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Feb 18, 2011 | poetry, reviews |
The Contrary Blog–the blog of unpopular discontent–is up and running. Click over and take a look at this new voice on the internet, the brainchild of Jeff McMahon, Contrary’s Editor. It’s a multi-author blog, anchored by David Alm. Its focus is...
by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Feb 15, 2011 | novels, reviews |
What a great name for a little boy. And for the title of Summer Wood’s second novel, out today from Bloomsbury [no spoilers]. Chapter One begins with these two sentences: It was the middle of the afternoon, January 1969, and a half-hearted rain dampened San...
by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Dec 28, 2010 | first novels, my writing, reviews |
The Winter issue of Contrary is live, and there’s lots to celebrate. First, Writer’s Digest voted Contrary one of the 50 Best Online Literary Markets. Second, my story, “The Empty Armchair,” published in the Autumn 2009 issue, was one of the...
by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Sep 22, 2010 | first novels, my writing, reviews, time |
The new issue of Contrary Magazine is online with my review of Susanna Daniel’s first novel, Stiltsville. Here’s the first paragraph of the review: A stilt house off the shore of Miami is a wondrous and fragile thing, built against all odds of survival. As...
by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Aug 27, 2010 | reviews |
Jane Addams was a political activist who worked toward, and spoke out, for social justice, including women’s suffrage. I had heard of her but had no idea… In Jane Addams: Spirit in Action by Louise W. Knight, I discovered that Jane cofounded the NAACP and...