by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Jan 9, 2016 | 1 true thing |
As part of bringing this year to a close, I wanted to read all the true things, one after another. To make it easier, I printed them. 15 pages worth. These truths are of all different weights and measures. I began to visualize a chart with all the truths running down...
by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Jan 8, 2016 | 1 true thing |
I’ve been looking over the posts from the last year, and although my intention was to use a title for a post only once, it appears that I accidentally reused at least the word comfortable. Which was the subject of both #56 about life and #242 about clothes. I...
by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Jan 7, 2016 | 1 true thing, memoir, memory |
During the past year, whenever I would say to Cal that I had no idea what to write about, he would always say, “You can write about how wonderful I am.” Which of course isn’t a true thing about me. Nor is it a true thing about him. Okay, okay. Truth....
by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Jan 6, 2016 | 1 true thing |
Attentiveness is something that, historically, I haven’t been very good at. But it’s something that writing is teaching me and also something that this year has prioritized. Many have attributed the quote below to Mary Oliver, but I’ve looked and...
by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Jan 5, 2016 | 1 true thing |
I want to thank all of you who’ve been reading my words during this 365-day journey, and especially those of you who took the time to comment. It seems as if one of you was there whenever I needed a little boost or push. And there’s a small group of you...
by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Jan 4, 2016 | 1 true thing |
Today is Kathleen’s birthday, and I kept the munchkins so she could go to a double feature. But now, after a birthday dinner, I’m too tired to look back any further than this morning. So the look back at the year will hopefully resume tomorrow. Adios. ~...