I want to thank all of you who’ve been reading my words during this 365-day journey, and especially those of you who took the time to comment. It seems as if one of you was there whenever I needed a little boost or push. And there’s a small group of you who always seemed to be there in some way–thanks to you for your support and friendship. Each of you below has left at least one comment during this project, thereby adding to the conversation and the overall experience. I hope I haven’t missed anyone but please let me know if I have.
I’m a writer who wants to be read so thank you, thank you, thank you.

  1. Teresa Burns Gunther
  2. Patricia Smith
  3. Helena
  4. K.
  5. Lisa Romeo
  6. AnaLuciaSilva
  7. Sarah Laurence
  8. Katharine Davis
  9. Jodi Paloni
  10. Linda
  11. ninamishkin
  12. Karen Nelson
  13. Kate Hopper
  14. Darrelyn Saloom
  15. writingxwriters
  16. KM Huber
  17. Pam Page
  18. Louise
  19. Mary
  20. Lindsey Mead
  21. georgiakevin
  22. Chris Henson
  23. Linda Levens
  24. megeevans
  25. writersideup
  26. Lorretta @Dancing On The Dash
  27. Faith Simone
  28. kcecelia
  29. Bobby
  30. Sheila (Book Journey)
  31. Kathleen
  32. Anne C
  33. Lily Lau
  34. Elizabeth G. Marro
  35. The Hopeful Herbalist
  36. susanna
  37. Cal
  38. Kirie
  39. Doug Warren
  40. Marielle Haven
  41. amylou10
  42. Leah Ferguson
  43. Sigrun
  44. mcasale2014
  45. Elisabeth Kinsey
  46. susanlaury
  47. ladydeejay2004
  48. Claire Guyton
  49. Nina
  50. triciatierney
  51. inspiration indulgence
  52. abby frucht
  53. Jack M
  54. Lynne Gill
  55. Katrina Kenison
  56. Faye Melton
  57. farleysmom
  58. gayle pickering
  59. Dave Malone
  60. bkraine
  61. therealjanewriter
  62. backtowhatever
  63. Kathleen Hamilton
  64. annabelle1234567890
  65. twofelines
  66. Miss Frangipani
  67. Amanda Magee
  68. bribruceproductions
  69. jacquelinehenry
  70. Susan
  71. Rosanna
  72. robina
  73. PaulOkonji Blog
  74. Lisa
  75. Joe Brooks
  76. The Waterbearer
  77. thatawkwardcreature
  78. iva at the frontier
  79. Dana L Craig
  80. captain of the flying dutchman and rider of the black pearl
  81. gokerrigo
  82. Elaine W. Lane
  83. Cindy
  84. Tara
  85. Shikha04
  86. Hilary
  87. deanjbaker
  88. where we are
  89. Elisa
  90. towles
  91. randomyriad
  92. ksbeth
  93. CJ
  94. Adrienne
  95. loielady
  96. benhessstories
  97. Dana
  98. lcbennettstern
  99. Richard Gilbert
  100. Corey Barenbrugge
  101. Kim
  102. annabelletroy
  103. redgarden
  104. clanton1973
  105. Bill Hayes
  106. Naomi D.
  107. Lauren Seabourne
  108. myuniverseandme
  109. runswithsloths
  110. kkessler833
  111. Ann


 365 true things about me
why this daily practice