Joshua Mohr is a wonderful writer and a wonderful human being. His smile will make all your troubles fall away. The dedication to his memoir Sirens, my favorite book of his, reads as follows:
For those of us who want to do better.
Josh had three strokes before he turned 40. And then they found a hole in his heart. Sirens is about this and his addiction and recovery and relapse and recovery. It was published by Two Dollar Radio in 2017. The following is from an interview with the LA Times:
I’m thirty-nine now, writing this as a father, someone sober six years, writing this wondering if a look backward can make sense of who I am, what I am.
I think that’s why I loved Sirens so much. With all my projects I’m trying to make sense of who I am, often looking backwards.
But another really cool thing about Sirens is its musical structure of three notes–the addition stories, the person fearing for his life, and the person looking back trying to make sense of it all. The juxtaposition of these three notes creates something bigger than you can imagine.
You’ll find more about Josh in my introduction of him last May. And more from Josh in his essay on how he spends his days.
I’m grateful for presence in the world and his wonderful writing, and his support of mine.