
1986: In January I’m at work when the Challenger disintegrates just seconds after lift off. We get a TV on in a conference room. Work in Columbus is less fun. Fewer lawyers, less urgency, no glitter. I’m the only female so nobody but the guys to eat lunch with. It surprises me that I miss lunches with women. In between work and picking Kathleen up, I walk around the park–my first attempt at voluntary exercise. Cal goes to work on Saturday for a few hours; I go on Sunday. Daily life in Columbus is much easier than in Atlanta–no traffic and shorter distances. We take trips–skiing and Bermuda and the beach. I drive a white Volvo. One evening I catch the back yard on fire. But mostly life settles in–to carpools, picking up shoes, and dentist appointments. On TV we watch the Braves, and Cheers, and Hill Street Blues.

31 days to 60


Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?
Mary Oliver