
I’ve been wanting to write to you all for some time now–all of February really and somehow it’s already the 20th. I’ve chosen to let other things take priority–my novel mainly. I just finished a stretch of working on it everyday for six days in a row, and I’m hoping to make it seven later today.

What I’m listening to now: Untold by Daniel Gidlund over and over again, and the ocean

What I’m reading at night: Alexander Chee’s The Queen of the Night

What I was drinking while I was writing this: Chakra #2 An Herbal Tea for Passion and Creativity

What I’m smelling still: Big Dipper Wax Works Clarity Tin Candle

This blog I’m loving: Sarah Bousquet talked herself into one true thing a day for 365 days. I was immediately hooked–what a pleasure to follow along on her journey. Any of you who enjoyed my #1truething project will love Sarah’s too. Here’s her first post, and today’s is #32/365. Please click over to One Blue Sail, bask in its gorgeous watercolor header (a Sarah-and-her-2-yr-old-daughter original), and leave her a word or two.

On my todo list for today: walk, read, write, this post

What I’m having trouble with: I remember it’s 2016, but I can’t seem to understand it’s February. When I write the date, I keep starting with 1.

What I learned how to do a few days ago: make the ‘like’ star show up under each comment

What I’m looking at: oh you know what I’m looking at : )

What I’m thinking about: YOU ALL


Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

—Mary Oliver