The last few months I’ve been noticing the flowers that won’t stay in their gardens, that insist on escaping through the slats and over the tops of fences.
Teresa, good to hear from you. I love to read passages in novels about characters growing gardens, but I don’t know the first thing about it. Hope you get some rain soon!
wow. I love this. And I love the idea that they are escaping. Escaping to where?
Hmmm, Megan, I don’t know where they’re escaping to, perhaps they don’t either, maybe they just don’t want to be confined….
How lovely! Here in my California I’ve had a dismal garden display, few and spindly–come on El Niño!
Teresa, good to hear from you. I love to read passages in novels about characters growing gardens, but I don’t know the first thing about it. Hope you get some rain soon!
Great pics!
Thanks, Linda!
These are gorgeous, Cynthia! A little taste of what I’ve been missing for months! I can’t believe you’re up to the 270s! Good for you! 🙂
Thanks so much, Donna!