Well they’re not ruined... but that’s what it felt like at first.
Right after I wrote the post yesterday, I had all my books spread out around me–on the sofa, on the floor, on the table–and I went to put my computer down on the table, except, because the screen was up, I couldn’t see my glass of sparkling water and I knocked it over on several books.
Each time this happens, although my initial feeling is that since the books are no longer perfect, they’re ruined, I try to combat that feeling by memorizing everything about the moment.
I was in Provincetown, in my favorite place to stay, I’d just finished a manuscript revision, just finished writing a post. It was evening, the tide was coming in.
And then each time I pick up those books in the future, instead of thinking ruined, I remember the moment…
A beautiful choosing.
Thanks, Loretta! Nice to hear from you.
Brilliant re-set, Cynthia… and oh, such beautiful ‘watermarks’… 🙂
Thanks, Helena!
That is inspired thinking. I have never been able to see beyond the ruin to the moment. I will try that next time.
BK, born of necessity. The spills and tears were killing me. I have actually bought new books because of it. Plus I was feeding the perfection monster. Now I’m making memories.
I love this idea. My therapist says when a group of people see an event, they report varied sincere truths based on their physical and emotional view; she suggested that I imagine moving to a different mental corner for a different view of a circumstance in my life giving me pause. That’s what you’re doing here. It’s a powerful change.
Thank you, Katherine. And I like the image of moving to a different mental corner.
Oh, what a great idea! Ultimately, I do this but to re-frame or re-set in the moment–change the view as it were–is just brilliant! Thanks!
Thanks, Karen. I was letting the marring ruin the moment, and it just seemed so stupid. So I needed to turn it around quickly.
Perfect reframing. And that sounds like a wonderful moment to be summoned back to whenever you pick these books up again.
Thanks, Anne. My husband asked me what I would have done if it had happened in the dentist’s office : )