I don’t like clothes shopping. I’m good for an hour at most. After that I start getting nervous. But I’m sick of the clothes in my closet. And what has been happening the last few years: I like something in a store and buy it, but I don’t like it when I get home. There seems to be a disconnect (my new favorite word apparently) between what I think I want and what I want.
If I were to admit one true thing, it would be this: I use shopping as a tranquilizer. I know I’m not the only one; but I’m still embarrassed to admit it. When I’m all worked up shopping is a way to still my mind. I rarely shop for myself on these occasions; instead I buy gifts for my family – a nice sweater for my husband, a cool t-shirt for my son, a scarf for my mother … maybe an exquisite thing for our house. When I’m in this mood I am in no state to buy clothes for myself.
Fascinating that shopping has the opposite effect on me. Wow. So interesting, Sigrun. When you’re not all worked up and you go shopping for yourself, do you enjoy that?
Actually I’m not sure … what do I do when I go shopping for myself – and how does it feel…?
Oh, I suddenly remember: I hate it! I hate waiting in line for a changing room, I hate putting on and off clothes in tiny booths! I hate getting all worked up and hot, and then having big mirrors reflecting my white body in a cruel light!
But I do love elegant garments, good design and exclusive materials – preferably delivered on my doorstep.
Ditto and ditto!
I hate shopping. The last time I actually enjoyed going shopping was several years ago with my sister-in-law, Patricia. We were in Ashland OR at the Shakespeare Festival, and we bopped down the main drag checking out all the boutiques. We both bought long velvet dresses (mine’s burgundy, hers is . . . faded green, I believe, though I always remember wrong); she wears hers for family holiday parties, mine just hangs in the closet. We joke about both of us dressing up and going out (separately: we don’t live in the same place) in our velvet dresses, having tea or suchlike. I know that will never happen, but I still like having my velvet dress: it reminds me of happiness.
Anne, lovely to think that you have happiness hanging in your closet : )
I’ve never been a clothes horse, but didn’t mind shopping as much when I was thinner. I almost never shop for clothes, and have been wearing a lot of the same clothes for a good 15 years now, only buying things that have to be replaced.
So, do you try on the clothes in the store? Or do you wait to get home?
Donna, sometimes in Provincetown I’ll see something in a window and go in and try it on, but these days usually I shop online. In the olden days, I did try on clothes in the store, hoping to avoid a second trip back with returns. What’s happening now is I’ll wear something I bought once or twice and then wonder what I was thinking–in the give-away bag it goes.