I can’t carry a tune, and I have no real understanding of what singing on key means. In my next life I’d like to come back as a singer.
I can’t carry a tune, and I have no real understanding of what singing on key means. In my next life I’d like to come back as a singer.
Me too! Can’t sing worth beans and want to – like Aretha. It looks like it feels so good to just pour it all out like that! The immediacy! The joy! Once or twice, when I knew I was far enough out in a field that no one could hear me, I sang every song I knew the lyrics to (a pitiful few!) at the top of my lungs and it DID feel good. I walked out of that field feeling high. Next life.
Tricia, I LOVE that we share this and I LOVE every word of your comment! Yes, yes, yes, like Aretha, giving it everything, feeling so good…
(and sorry to be so long in responding!)
My aunt (who passed away just last month) told me the same thing once 🙂
Nice to know I’m not alone : )
In my next life… I wish to be a ‘bird’… that CAN sing (lol)
: )
yup me too because i wish i could fly, helena
Thanks for reading, Annabelle! And welcome to Catching Days. I hope you’ll be back.
what area do u live ?
welcome to word press .com
Annabelle, I’m on the US east coast–in Georgia and Mass. You?
i live in Kentucky cynthia
A fellow southerner–nice to know you, Annabelle. Love your name.
thanks i like your name
nice to know u to
you could listen to some music i realy love this song its called Moriah peters well done i listen to it lots of times because it sounds so nice !! (:
Thanks, Annabelle–cool song.
yeah it sure is cynthia
if you want to listen too another song just search jamie grace on youtube (: .thanks
It is NEVER too late to look up a continuing ed class in your area for singing, or to find a local community choir that takes all comers. Trust me, singing in a group carries you to the tune (well enough). It’s actually extremely rare for someone truly to be unable to carry a tune, though people claim this handicap all the time. Nah. You just need practice. It’s also extremely rare for someone to have perfect pitch AND be able to reproduce that pitch with the voice–Aretha misses notes, I promise. She’d be the first to say so, I’m sure.
Singing is JOY and you must indulge at least in your shower, your car, that open field…. Aretha would agree.
Having said all that, in my next life, I, too, plan to be that rare person with perfect pitch and huge range and big big voice. We will have to get together for a few duets.
Looking forward to it!