
Joni Mitchell

I’m so unbelievably happy that Joni Mitchell at age 71, which is unbelievable, looks exactly as I would have imagined she would look if I could have imagined it.

Please go look at these 5 photos.

This, folks, is 71.

Yes, I’m aware it’s a magazine shoot but still. It’s encouraging that Mitchell seems to have found a way, despite the aging process, to let her self shine through.

I have aging issues. But when I turned 57 last year, I stopped trying to hide how old I was. I wrote about it and added the year I was born to my Facebook page. Baby steps.

Joni Mitchell is a grandmother. I am a grandmother. This is what being a grandmother looks like today or can look like. It may not be true, but it feels as if there are very few role models for aging. Very few times do I look at a photo and say, wow, being 71 must be great. Seeing these photos made me feel hopeful.

I wanted to share two excerpts from the New York Magazine interview of Mitchell. The first shows that it’s not always easy to be who you really are:

[M]ost of her life has been spent in a state of revolt against other people’s nonsensical ideas about how she should think or dress, what she should believe, and how she should play music.

In this second excerpt, she talks about writing:

For some time, she’s been struggling to write her memoir… The liner notes for [Love Has Many Faces: A Quartet, a Ballet, Waiting to Be Dancedtook her all last summer to write, but it ended up being a kind of breakthrough. She wrote it “the way I wrote songs, longhand,” though in the past she worried that, lacking the “girdle” of songwriting, she’d “get too writerly.” “I can be very long-winded, and I can digress all over the place,” she says. “I remember too much.”

photo credit: Norman Jean Roy


 365 true things about me