It’s the way I get things done. If something is huge, then I turn it into a project and break off a little piece every day or every week or every month. Right now, I have this project.

I’m also going through all our photos, selecting some to have digitalized, and dividing the rest into boxes for the kids.

I’m also reading all of Shakespeare’s plays in the order he wrote them.

And I’ve just discovered how great Evernote is and am starting to move stuff into it.

I think of exercise as a project.

I’m about to startΒ cataloguing my books. Not yet sure ofΒ the daily/weekly number of books I’m aiming for–maybe I will do it by shelves. While I’m doing it, I hope to give some away. Currently scouting for a person or organization who will love them too.

Would love to knowΒ about some of your projects.


Β 365 true things about me
why this daily practice