I was born in Rapid City, South Dakota, and grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. I went to college in Davidson, North Carolina, and then lived for a year in France. I went to law school in Athens, Georgia, worked for two years in Atlanta, then got married, and agreed to move to Columbus, Georgia–where my husband is from and where I’ve now lived for almost thirty years.

When I was 13, 14, and 15,  I went to camp in Vermont–two months each summer. That place was magical. I was hoping to go to college at Middlebury, but…

My junior year of high school I went skiing in North Carolina–in jeans. I was miserably cold and concluded I would never be able to make it through a Vermont winter. I didn’t even apply to Middlebury.

I was an idiot.

I loved every minute of my time at Davidson College but regret the basis on which that decision was made.

A lot of you know that I adore winter. As Robert Frost wrote in his wonderful and long poem Snow, “You can’t get too much winter in the winter.”*

These days, I spend a week a month in Provincetown, Massachusetts. I guess I’m a southerner in fact but I’m a New Englander at heart.

*thanks to the Hopeful Herbalist for this lovely line of poetry.


 365 true things about me