It’s true. I deliberate. I stare at words, cross them out, and start again.
So I have to come up with ways to get around my brain. In December of 2013 when I was pushing to finish a first draft of my novel, I discovered that if I wrote for word count, I didn’t judge my words. I silenced my inner critic by making the number of words the important thing. I gave my brain a task to keep it busy so I could get some real writing done. Later, during revision, I would call on my IC.
Now, because I’m writing a new post every day, I’m not able to dwell on what I write. And I want to respond to comments on the day they come in because there’ll be a new post the next day. So I just have to write what I’m thinking without deliberating. It’s another way of getting around a brain that tries to take charge of everything.
I think you are truly onto something here
: ) we’ll see…
Well, I’ll tell you…I enjoy when DO deliberate…and now when you DON’T! 😀
another difference : )
Hello Cynthia. Happy New Year to you. I just popped over to Catching days and discovered your new project; it’s lovely, intimate, fresh. Little pearls. I’ve had a wild few months, signed with an agent, book evolving in wonderful ways. Will keep you up to date and will be coming back here to read more. Bonne année et à bientôt!
Susanna, so nice to hear from you. Happy New Year and congratulations on your agent and book!!! Please do keep me up to date and I will be by for a visit. By the way, we had a wonderful but quick trip to France and enjoyed the Hotel Colbert-merci!
Hello again, I am so happy that you stayed at the Colbert. Will keep you up to date with book news. And, am really loving this series of posts!
I had the same experience in my year of writing short stories, and I’m happy to say that the effect appears to be permanent. After this year you will continue to allow more good mess into your drafts, and you will trot out the inner critic only when you really want her. Can I get a hallelujah! But I want to say this, too, and in doing so I’m passing along the wisdom of the incomparable Dave Jauss: Perfectionism serves a good writer well. Be glad you have this trait.
And thanks for the Big Dave reminder : )