Today is the birthday of an author of a book–Robin Black. Her last birthday she was not the author of a book. Just like that it can happen.
And get your pencils out. You need to write this one down too: If I loved you, I would tell you this. Each of the 10 stories in Robin’s debut collection is so good that I could not choose a favorite. I tried. Then I thought, I could do a post a day for 10 days, one on each of the stories : )
I gave a copy of the book to my daughter and she read it in 24 hours. I gave a copy to my sister and she wrote to say the stories were so good she was only allowing herself one a day–to make them last.
I was at the grocery story last Friday, waiting in line and thumbing through People Magazine. And there it was. I said to Monica, my favorite cashier: look, this is my friend’s book. It’s in People Magazine.
Happy Birthday, Robin the author!
~more tomorrow on the stories in If I loved you, I would tell you this…
Happy birthday to Robin! This book just arrived on my doorstep yesterday. I can’t wait to start reading it. Short stories will be perfect for my schedule the next few days, so I guess I’ll be doing what your sister did and savor each story slowly.
Linda, let me know how you like the stories.
Happy Birthday to the amazing, wonderful Robin Black. If I Loved You is packed in my knapsack and traveling to JazzFest with me. 🙂
Darrelyn, stories and jazz–a wonderful combination.
Happy Birthday, Robin! Loved your guest post on Writer’s Digest today and can’t wait to get hold of your book.
Thanks for your comment, Christi!
Wow! Thanks for the good wishes everyone – and Cindy, thank you so so much for this lovely post!
Robin, you are welcome. Hope it was a fun birthday.
What a sweet post.
Also, I love that both Robin’s book and Aryn Kyle’s, next to hers in People, are both short story collections.
Margosita, welcome to Catching Days. You know, I was so excited to see Robin’s book that I didn’t look anywhere else. So glad you called my attention to Aryn’s stories. I have added her collection to my list. Hope you’ll be back.