img_1778Last night around 10:15, I was driving into San Francisco and fireworks were going off across the bay.  I got a little lost, but my gps saved me.  Around eleven pm, I was crossing the Golden Gate Bridge.  Amazing.

Today, a gray day in Simg_1781ausalito, I found a small, independent bookstore, Habitat, and bought, at the owner’s recommendation, one book I’d heard of, Out Stealing Horses by Per Petterson, and one I hadn’t, The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery.


I met a wine blogger from Real Napa, a vineyard owned and operated exclusively by women, and ordered a case of wine.

At her recommendation, I headed to Fish, a 30-minute walk from town on a tucked-away pier.  Definitely worth the detour.


Also found this really cool door,



really cool
