by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Aug 19, 2019 | acknowledgments, Tidal Flats |
In Tidal Flats, Cass’s father loved his leather-bound edition of Rumi’s poems, Rumi who was born in Afghanistan. Instead of bedtime stories, he read to Cass from Rumi. And Cass would lie in her closet underneath her dresses and think about elephants...
by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Mar 28, 2011 | catching moments, journeys, obsession, place |
In New York last weekend, Cal and I saw Memphis, the 2010 Tony Award Winner for Best Musical. It was GREAT! Saturday, we ate breakfast outside (despite the cold weather) at Sarabeth’s on the park. At The Museum of Modern Art, we saw: Picasso Guitars 1912-1914,...