by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Apr 1, 2017 | accumulation, continuous life, essays, journeys, life, marriage, memory, my writing, provincetown, time, truth |
It seems impossible and yet it’s true. 50 was about proving I surely wasn’t. 60 is about loving the years. So, hello, sixty, I’m happy to be here. Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been. –David...
by Cynthia Newberry Martin | Feb 1, 2017 | 60 to 60, accumulation, continuous life, life |
Hey there. Hope you’re all well. Tell me what you’ve been up to! Hard to believe it’s been almost a year since I wrote anything in this space other than the introduction to the next writer in the series. But I just double checked. I finished my year...